Thursday, September 29, 2011

Flooding Problems

I heard from Prem that the flooding in Siem Reap and Kampong Thom provinces is extreme. He has personally been unable to travel to the market for days at a time and only recently was able to get online. The water level at the old market was up to 1 meter high at one point. That's incredibly high for a very flat place. The government even bulldozed a section of the new road that was unfortunately trapping water so it could flow out. Apparently it helped, but they still have major problems.

Poor families are in need of food and basic necessities. According to Prem the Red Cross is working in the area but he hasn't seen other NGOs or organizations like the World Food Program kick into gear yet.

I encourage you to consider donating to the Red Cross. You can also read more about the situation here:

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Two Items Gone!

I sold two items since my announcement at the Discovery United Methodist Church in Hutto on Sunday. If you haven't already checked out the Bicycles Project at then get on over there as fast as you can!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New Project: Bicycles

We're raising money to purchase bicycles for one of the villages. Please visit my project page here: I'm selling a large number of items to raise money. With luck we can change the lives of many village children.