Friday, July 31, 2009

Prep for 2010? Already?1?

In this case, I'm talking about how YOU can prep to go to Cambodia next year!

The first and most important task is to commit yourself to the trip. You need to do that now. Why? Because the plane ticket is expensive and there's a fair amount of extra work to do if it's your first trip.

So here's what you need to do:
  1. Ask me questions now about what all is involved. You can choose to go as a tourist, and that's just fine. Stimulating the local economy is a charity all by itself.
  2. Make the choice before the end of the year, and let me know.
  3. Start saving about $200 a month (now). That should cover your airfare, by far the biggest expense (~$1,800).

Send me an email at samueljcarrorg. I'd love to show you around!

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