Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Last Day is Typically the Busiest

Perhaps it's the looming deadline, but I always seem to have a very busy and productive day when there are only hours to go before my first flight heading home. Today we coordinated to get a replacement computer for Khnar Tmei. I was bothered that the grounding cable was missing, and anytime you touch bare metal in that place you are greeted with a few unwelcome volts. It's quite jarring and probably frying the PCs. So, we got an electrician onsite to quote out replacement wiring and a new grounding plate.

I learned from a few experiences that your labor and materials costs should be roughly equal when doing a construction project. I was pleased to see the same ratio hold true for this rewiring effort. Here's the work involved:
  • Replace main line going from the church buildings to the pastor's house (probably 100m)
  • Install a circuit breaker panel
  • Run new wiring circuits to each zone in the building (probably 6-8 outlets)
  • Replace wall outlets and switches
  • Test and verify that you don't leap into the air when touching a PC
Parts and materials will run about $300. Think about that. We're rewiring an entire building for less than what we pay for a high-end light fixture.

Deanna and Mony will see that project through. Right now, I have to pack and get ready to board a red-eye flight to Korea. That's South Korea. I don't think I want to visit North Korea after seeing the surly gentlemen in Phnom Penh.

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